Tuesday, February 19, 2008

one year, seven months later

So apparently, I've had a blogger account since 2006 and it has been dormant. Why resurrect it after so long? Part of it is voyeurism, I am a "next blog" clicker so I always read what people all over the world write and in the back of my mind, I think that I need to start writing again. I did a mildly decent job of writing of my Around the World adventures (ebbets.whereareyou.net) but even so, I look back and almost wish that I wrote a little bit more, shared more of my experiences or posted more pictures. But like almost anything else in life, I learned and figured that it was time to take the dust off this site and start writing in it a little more frequently.

Few thoughts come across my mind during this evening besides the prior statement of dusting. I've just learned that my boyfriend has never sucked helium out of a balloon in order to make the funny voice. He's 30. How does a child grow up without learning the wonder of the magic voice that one gets from sucking air out of a balloon? That was a staple growing up at the children's party (sans the scary clown). Maybe it's the culture thing, he did grow up in a small town in the Netherlands.

It took me about an hour to figure out this website. I'm not the most web savvy person so I love how Google simplifies everything out which is great but considering it took me half an hour to figure out what my "website URL name" would be was a little frustrating. I was denied everything that I wanted so I had to become creative and go with the Dutch equivalent of my nickname: sleutelkaas = kimcheez. It's a nickname that I haven't used since the college days and was actually derived from kim-chee (given to me by the mean girls in elementary school), I guess that nickname still makes me laugh internally.

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