Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Halloween Season...

...is the beginning of the best time of the year. Fall, pumpkins, spices, crunchy leaves and all the wonderful holidays that are just around the corner. This time of year makes me warm and fuzzy.

Besides the warm and fuzzies of this time of year, the past three months have been crazy and have been neglecting this blog since I haven't had the energy or motivation to take photos. Right now, most photos have been sitting on my hard drive, waiting to be post-processed and I know that I will get around to it, it's just I'm waiting for my body to start allowing me to have energy and fun again! The first trimester really does take everything out of you and whoever coined the term "morning sickness" is a mean person because it's so not true, it's all day sickness. Anyway, I want to keep this blog separate from my pregnancy/personal/etc experience so I've been writing elsewhere. If you'd like the link for the blog, leave me a comment with your email address or email me directly and I'll send you the link. I want to keep this space mainly for my photos so on that, a lovely photo of my pumpkin from our pumpkin carving party. I think that this is my best pumpkin to date. I love Jack!