Thursday, February 28, 2008

"Life is what happens to you...

...when you're busy making other plans." - john lennon

So how far ahead am I allowed to start planning? I don't have my life planned out however I do have up until the end of 2010 planned out and it scares yet excites me at the same time. So am I busy making plans? Yes and the plans are wonderful, exciting, challenging, nurturing, foreign, exhilarating and scary. They are also plans combined with my loved one and that scares the bejesus out of me too! But it's a new lesson I've learned about love: it's okay to look to the future and do some planning.

I know that a lot can happen between now and the beginning of 2010 but this it is something that allows me to day dream. Without giving too much away, the short term (yet semi-long term) dream is: quit the job. Travel to Europe in April heading east towards Moscow. Once there, take the Trans-Siberia train through Russia, Mongolia and China (just thinking about this makes me super-dooper excited). Venture towards Vietnam in time for the Hue Festival in June and meet up with my parents. Tour through Vietnam for awhile, head into Laos and Cambodia. Once in Cambodia, do some volunteering through United Planet for a couple weeks. Then head to Thailand where we can relax and unwind from the journey on a small island. From that point, the planning ends. We might end back in the States or end up living somewhere in Europe.

Now of course, life happens when you're busy making other plans. So these are our long distance dreams. And not until next year will I start believing that this dream will become a reality because who knows what will happen with life. However I am the kind of silly person who envisions these things because thinking positively about it helps (*disclaimer: I have seen "the Secret" however I have always been the kind of feel-good-hippie person who believed in this kind of thinking before "the Secret" became tainted by being on Oprah's book club).

I'm excited about returning one day to Cambodia, a truly amazing country that I feel in love with. Although I wonder what other countries I might fall in love with...

•ta prom temple, cambodia•


laura k said...

Wow, it sounds like you have seriously caught the traveling bug. Hm, I wonder if that will happen to me once I finally leave the country?

Global Mobile said...

Sounds like you have it all planned out!!!! Do i have something to say in it? ;-)
I love to hear that its scary and exciting... Let's keep it that way for a while. Excitement and scare are two very deserving feelings that you need to have to keep your life interesting and rewarding.

I love reading this about as much as i love you.

Looking forward to traveling together.
