Wednesday, April 30, 2008

No pain, no gain...

I don't mind the saying until I start feeling the pain, argh! I feel like a garbage truck hit me and then backed up again to see if it hit something.

After a year hiatus from working with a trainer, I felt that my life was stable enough to set up a schedule again so I've started weight training again and have successfully rediscovered muscles that I forgot even existed.

I'm an active person but for the past few months, I have been in a physical slump or for a better term: lazy. It's been difficult with the moving and adjustment of living life in a new area that a lot of my old healthy habits became lost in the shuffle.

So I'm trying to be proactive by recognizing I'm in a slump and doing something about it. By getting myself a trainer who I paid for in full for the next three months, I am forcing myself to be active again. He's also a nutritionist which helps because there are times when I neglect what I put into my body, it is tough trying to have a well balanced diet when vegetarian. I know that I say it's easy (and it is) but it's hard to make sure that I'm keep myself well nourished.

Anyway, I like feeling this pain again because it reminds me of my body and the need to take care of it. But I don't like feeling like I've been hit by a truck. That part kind of sucks.

one day, i shall kick ass...hiiiiiiiiiiiyaaaa!!!


Anonymous said...

Oh man, tell me about it. When I started school I stopped working out because I couldn't figure out how to fit it into my schedule. This semester I decided I was going to take up running because I had to get in shape again, and it is hard stuff. I actually just got back from a run two minutes ago...funny timing to read your post now. :-) I'm hoping in another two months or so I will be like a graceful running gazelle. Ha ha ha. :-)

Global Mobile said...

I believe there is gain without pain.... Really, you will gain weight without actual pain... If you need proof of that.... look at me.

Great that you are going back in again!! Continue and in a few months i'll join you!