Monday, May 12, 2008

Where does it all come from?

I've been sick for the past week and my leaky pipes just won't stop, I have a never ending need for tissues and just wonder where on Earth does it all come from? My nose is small, I only have two nostrils, it's ridiculous at how much stuff I can produce. Blaach! :)

• puffs plus is my new best friend

So it's been a long week and I'm pretty drained and tired which I think is why I am still sick. Marijn went through knee surgery last week and why on earth did we decide to have our entertainment center/office/everything upstairs? Whoops! I was able to take a few days off work to be there for him but we're still in real need of a vacation. Although the June vacation to the Netherlands and Spain isn't going to be much of a relaxing vacation since there will be a lot of running around and cramming in adventures in a short amount of time, I'm looking forward to getting away. I really wish that enough time has past since my last "quit my job to travel adventure" but it hasn't even been a year yet! I'm looking forward to 2009 when I can do it again! Ssh, don't tell anyone.

• the only time you'll see Marijn's knee shaved

I've also had a case of the "hate my haircut" blues. I am a very low maintenance woman so when I got my haircut last week, I think my hair dresser ignored that minor detail about my personality and decided to give me a trendy, lots of maintenance haircut. It looks great and actually have received a lot of great compliments from it, but I don't like it, it's not me. I have to actually do something to it each morning and that it so much effort for me. Especially since my hair is curly/wavy that if I don't do anything to it, it now becomes a poof-ball since it's a shorter cut. So now my mornings are actually dedicated to getting "ready." It's such a silly concept for me. All I can do is be patient, let it grow out and have it all evened out. Darn trendy stuff. Why do people torture themselves with maintenance? My co-worker laughs at me because she says that I'm allergic to anything "feminine." I think she's right.

• it's just not me!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you have had a really stressful week. I am giving you long-distance hugs.

Your hair does look cute, though I can totally relate to the desire for low maintenance hair. I am starting to grow mine out again because I am over having to actually do stuff to it in the morning. It is just not worth it. :-)