Friday, July 03, 2009

Things to do on a holiday weekend?

It's a three day holiday weekend and for once, we're actually staying in town and it's quite bizarre (although, in reality, I don't work on Fridays so I always have a three day weekend but for Marijn to be home is the bizarre part). So what does one do when they are staying local to try and avoid the crowds?

• laundry? eh, not out of clean underwear so that can wait

• clean the house? it's always neat, just needs to be cleaned but that's just too much effort

• do yard work? it's supposed to be a hot weekend so no thanks

• finish thank you cards? we're in the home stretch, just need to sit down and do it but since mail isn't being picked up this weekend, that can wait

• watch fireworks? drunkenly walk to central park in santa clara and watch them will be a must. or climb onto our roof and watch them from there (although drunkenly getting on top of a roof doesn't sound safe :)

• watch the hangover? have yet to see it so after a few margaritas, might be fun?

• drink beer? mmmmkay, no arm twisting on that

• catch up on my reading? that is a needed

Whatever we do decide to do on this long weekend, we'll be sure to celebrate this holiday with food, beer and fireworks - all the essential ingredients for a holiday!

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