Wednesday, March 26, 2008

who figures this stuff out?

I've been a little bored from my work lately. Actually, that is an understatement. I've been incredibly, stupendously, horrendously bored at my work recently (note: I do enjoy the company I work for). It's unfortunate because working in the advertising "retail" industry, the strain of the economy is thick. Clients are going under, other clients don't want to spend advertising dollars because business isn't what it used to be and how on earth do we convince the non-profits to spend money on advertising for donations when consumers don't want to donate?

Now I'm not worried about losing my job (although my boss did mention that we might go to 4-day work weeks which I am totally for) but there are times that I feel guilty since 90% of my day is surfing the internet. I am getting paid nicely to surf the web and that is where I feel guilty. I've asked for more stuff on my work plate and yet, it still doesn't seem to add much more to my job. I don't want to look for another job because I like the people here and once the economy starts getting better, the work load should be getting better too. Besides, I want to stay at this company for two years and then quit to travel again. I don't want to leave this job, find another job only to quit from that job one year later. I want to stick through this company until Fall of 09 so there is logic behind me wanting to stay here. There are just times (like now) when I am so bored of being bored.

At least my life outside of work keeps me busy. We just moved so it won't be for another month until things start getting settled in the home life. I'm trying to be proactive about keeping busy once we are settled in and try to amuse myself with evening classes in something (not sure what but it will be something, darnit). I need to find something to keep my mind and idle hands busy and am open for suggestions.

Anyway, I did stumble across this little ditty today during my mindless web surf and it made me wonder, who on earth comes up with this stuff? I know that there is a simple (ha) mathematical equation to determine this but I just love that someone took the time to make this challenge for us simple people. It made me scratch my head when I played along. Of course I sent it over to Marijn and he provided me with the scientific, mathematical solution of how this works (geek) which of course, took all the fun out of it. I won't post the equation but anyway, here it is:
1. Key in the first three digits of your phone number (NOT the Area code…)
2. Multiply by 80
3. Add 1
4. Multiply by 250
5. Add to this the last 4 digits of your phone number
6. Add to this the last 4 digits of your phone number again.
7. Subtract 250
8. Divide number by 2


Global Mobile said...


You really make me sound like a weird geek now! But i'll forgive you!

•kime• said...

Aww, I'm just proud of your smarts :)

a work in progress said...

I love stuff like this and because I SUCK at math, it always feels like magic to me! Super cool. It makes me believe in numerology and anything else to do with magical numbers :)