Tuesday, September 15, 2009

End of Dutch Adventures, now to Cape Town Adventures

Family, old high school friends, college friends, work friends and long distance family all journeyed out to the Netherlands for our 09.09.09 wedding celebration and it was awesome. It was amazing to have so many loved ones close by to celebrate again with us and to show them more parts of the Netherlands besides just Amsterdam. We celebrated with a (mostly) true Dutch celebration which included a wonderful three course meal from a Michelin rated restaurant (that is conveniently located across the street from his parents house), a canal trip through the city of Utretch which included a traditional Dutch Pancake lunch next to the canal, a journey into Nijmegan - the oldest city in the Netherlands and of course, endless partying in Amsterdam. My liver and kidneys will probably never forgive me for the damage that I did to them on this trip (example: our wedding celebration evening for eighty guests final alcohol invoice was for: 60 glasses of Prosecco, 275 beers, 20 bottles of wine and 92 shots of a variety of hard booze). We definitely partied a little too much during these past two weeks but when is the next time we are going to have this group of awesome people with us to party in the Netherlands?

• my boys since high school •

• my mom's family from belgium •

• college friends and our awesome neighbors •

• dinner in amsterdam at d' herengracht •

• on top of st. stevens church in nijmegan •

And now it's time for some piece and quiet. Marijn will be working out of Cape Town for the next three weeks so during that time, I will be a glorified, traveling housewife and to be honest, I don't know if I really mind ;) It will be good to venture off to a new country and see if this is a country that we could live in. Right now, the move between London or Cape Town is quite unclear and hopefully during this trip, there will be more definition of where we are going to relocate too. I am a planner and "look ahead-er" so not knowing where we are going to be living in the next couple of months makes me a little nervous but it's just another challenge that I am looking forward to. Since I'm back to being an unemployed traveler, I've re-opened my other blog: traveling kime to write/muse while in South Africa. I'm hoping to write more while I'm there since I will have a lot of time on my hands so I'm sure I will balance between these two blogs although I really wish that I could link them...that would just be much easier to streamline everything. I did find it funny that my closing Euro-Asia blog post from August 2007 mentioned that my next trip would be Africa. Guess it was written back then that this would be my next adventure, heehee yay!

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