Thursday, August 28, 2008

time sure flies...

Summer is slowly ending...but very slowly. We still had about 90 degree weather this weekend but with a few leaves that are mildly changing color. So maybe summer isn't really winding down but it sure feels like the wheels are in motion.

Last weekend I celebrated my year anniversary of living up North. It's honestly felt like I've been living here for a long time and my super rad summer vacation of world traveling seems like it was forever ago but it was only last year.

Sitting on top of these temples in Cambodia, overlooking the world and listening to only the sound of the wind are the memories that I go back too when I think of my super rad summer vacation. I think back to the moments sitting alone in the temples and it gives me peace and makes my inner self smile. Sometimes I forget about taking the time to sit and reflect on our surroundings and the beauty and awe that it has to offer.

I found that moment last weekend overlooking the Santa Cruz mountains while at a winery and it made me happy. I like these moments and need to find more of them but just like in Cambodia, I've learned that it's always unexpected.

So now with summer winding down, I must now prepare for what the next seven months are going to bring. It's exciting and scary (Married in seven months?! Eeep!!!) and I hope to find more moments in these next months where I can just sit on top of the world and soak in the silence. Until then, I'll just have to keep myself busy filling (and emptying) our unnecessarily but so worth it wine rack!

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