Friday, June 27, 2008

locations, tulle, dresses & flowers. oh my!

Wow. I've never immersed myself into the "feminine wedding" world so much as I am right now and it's crazy! Color patterns, inspiration boards, dresses, shoes, budget, music, jewelry! It's overwhelming!

I have never thought/dreamt of my wedding before. Growing up, we were raised in an anti-princess world. My sister and I would torture our Barbies, re-enact guns and robber or play dress up in military garb. We skipped the whole step of dreaming of our ideal wedding. And now, we are both completely immersing ourselves into this world. Mai is doing much better at playing the girl role than I am, she's already envisioned everything from the band, flowers, table decorations and food. I have to keep reminding her that it's my wedding.

I've been looking at the magazines and they scare me! All the magazines are pretty much the same and promote the exact same things. I've gone through Brides, Martha Stewart Weddings, InStyle Weddings and Real Simple Weddings and they are all identical! I'm glad that these were given to me because I feel sorry for the suckers who pay over $7 per magazine to get the same sugar-coated stuff in each 'zine. Besides the overwhelming factor, I don't know where to really start. I've only been in two weddings as a bridesmaid before so this whole wedding territory is so new to me. But at least we did one major thing already.

We crossed one thing off the list: the date! So, the official date of our wedding in Los Angeles will be (drum roll): Saturday, May 2, 2009.* We still haven't decided on the location but we are dreaming of it being by the beach (Malibu, Santa Monica, etc) so we can have the water, sand and sun reflecting on us all. For those that are going to be adventurous and join us for the Netherlands celebration, that date has been chosen too! It's going to be Wednesday, September 9, 2009 (yea, we are one of those kids who thought having another celebration on 9/9/09 would be rad).

And then there's the post-wedding things to think about. The last name?! After long thoughts on it, I'm keeping my last name because, well, it's been with me for the past twenty-eight years. Besides, I've perfected the art of the perfect signature that it will take too much effort for me to redesign my signature :)

Then there's the immigration world. Man o' man, is that complicated too! K1, L1, work green card vs. marriage green card. Throw into the mix that we want to move to the Netherlands in a couple of years and things start to get even crazier.

So although there are so many things that are overwhelming me, it makes me excited and happy all at the same time. We're still floating along in Cloud 9 and will continue enjoying it for as long as we can. I figure that it's best to focus most of our energy on all of the summer adventures and then start worrying about the details once September comes. There is one thing that I've become certain on that I want at our wedding. It's cupcakes and delicious desserts. Just take a look at these dessert bars, don't they look absolutely amazing and mouth watering? Yup, dessert bar is indeed a yes.

*oh crystal, laura, paddy (and all my other long distance loved ones) please tell me that you will be on the west coast?!*


kidnoonan said...

Kimcheez, I will definitely make it to one of them. Hopefully the one in May because it would be great to see everyone else, but worst case, I'd make it to the Netherlands if that was my only chance. Are you kidding? I'd hate to miss it.
lots of love

Anonymous said...

Oh curses! I will be finishing my finals at the beginning of May next year! But I will do all that I can to arrange a trip to LA for you, because I CANNOT miss it!