Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Stumbling upon a new venture...

Since September, I have been a happy, unemployed camper (i.e. housewife). It's given me the chance to travel to Europe and South Africa, discover new hobbies (welding, motorcycle riding), build up my tasty cooking skills and challenge myself with my photography skills - which is by far, my favorite when it comes to hobbies (photos)...but that can only last so long.

When the weather started to get a tad colder and rainer here (although it didn't last long), I figured that it was time to do something, I just wasn't sure what. I emailed my fitness trainer and asked if he had anything for available for me to help on. That's all it took for me to have my first client as a freelance producer. For the next couple of months, I'll be producing, shooting and editing over two hundred videos for a mobile phone application. It's nice to keep busy and have something new and creative to do. It was also the best excuse to get the new MacBook Pro, the full Adobe creative suites package and perhaps, eventually a new HD camera to work with.

One of the drawbacks that I am discovering is how to work from home. I spend about two days a week working at the studio and three days a week editing from home. It's been quite an adjustment to try and figure out how to work in my "office" without my pajamas on. What it took was a friend stopping by to fix our keg-a-rator only to have him find me in my pajamas and mismatching socks (I don't have the heart to throw away my perfectly good, wacky socks so the solo ones, I put together and wear around the house :)

It is quite nice to work for myself, especially since it gives me the flexibility to travel and work from anywhere in the world so not having a boss to ask for time off is an incredible experience. I've also had to create my own office although it's sad that I've taken over our dining table since I use two laptops to work. Perhaps that just means that we might need a bigger place at some point?! :-)

1 comment:

laura k said...

Working from home can be tricky, and I've definitely learned over time that it's important to have a designated workspace so you can maintain balance between work and non-work. I'm sure you'll figure it all out quite well, though. And congratulations! Freelancing is pretty much my professional dream...