Friday, February 22, 2008

drinks after work?

I never realized how much of a staple this was when I lived in La La Land. After a long and stressful day at work, we would all release the chain tied to our ankle and head out to the local bar for some beer and greasy fries. Although the majority of the conversations was work talk, it helped to release all the bottled up frustrations we had. I miss those days. Not the stress, frustrations or poor hell of my old job. I miss the days of hanging out with my coworkers after work and enjoying a cold Guinness.

I work at a small ad agency in San Jose now. Small might be an overstatement considering I work with six other people. The work load isn't too stressful and no one takes their work home. They are also all married with families so the concept of heading out for drinks after work is only a distant memory for them.

I think that I need to start an after work drinking group for people who can't go out drinking with their co-workers... Oh wait, isn't that considered a bar?

•mmm beer•

1 comment:

laura k said...

You are the cutest thing ever. I wish I could go out for drinks with you after work. :-(